CMM is one of the most well-established and highly regarded social service in agencies in Ōtautahi, offering a range of services to people of all ages. Preschoolers enjoy quality education in a fun and caring environment at Aratupu Preschool & Whānau Hub, which also extends support to whānau; social workers and psychologists help whānau address substantial issues; projects in Linwood and New Brighton strive to create strong neighbourhoods; our schools workers and Mana Ake teams head into schools each day to help tamariki manage feelings and emotions; our social houses provide stability for whānau, kaumatua and other older people, as do our transitional houses, support to help maintain tenancies, and as the lead agency for Housing First Christchurch; and WesleyCare offers quality end of life care. Our central offices are based in the suburb of Papanui.
Blenheim has a chronic shortage of affordable housing. CMM supports clients in emergency accommodation in motels in Blenheim. Navigators work with clients to assist in their housing search, as well as link them to support services in the community.
CMM offers transitional housing and support to whānau or individuals, in the form of both units and houses. CMM leases a number of houses in Blenheim for whānau who have become stuck in transitional housing.
Our services have ensured that vulnerable households at risk of losing their tenancy have kept their houses or found new housing that better meets their needs. As the lead agency of Housing First Blenheim, kaewa (people experiencing long-term homelessness) have been housed, with a large percentage remaining in their housing.
Click here to download our services flyer for the Te Tau Ihu (Upper South Island) region
CMM provides homelessness services in Nelson and supports clients in emergency accommodation in motels. Navigators work with clients to assist in their housing search, as well as link them to support services in the community.
CMM has increased its commitment to providing housing and homelessness services in both the upper South Island and the West Coast. In addition to providing homelessness services on the West Coast, CMM supports clients in emergency accommodation in motels in Westport, Greymouth and Hokitika. Navigators work with clients to assist in their housing search, as well as link them to support services in the community.