Work With Tamariki

Tamariki are precious and deserve the best of care. The Christchurch Methodist Mission makes a huge difference in the lives of children and young people in schools and communities every day. Our social workers, child psychologists, group workers and teachers are skilled in responding to a range of needs within the community. They work alongside tamariki in places those children feel most comfortable, such as their schools or homes. 


Individual support for children and their whānau

Our social workers and psychologists work individually with children and young people who have experienced trauma and many changes in their lives, or who are struggling in school or in the community. Referrals through an Oranga Tamariki social worker only. 


Children's Group Programmes


ACES is a six-week programme for children aged 7-11, supporting them to share experiences and explore new ways to cope with the separation of their parents. ACES uses a mixture of games, creative activities and focused discussions to help children understand their feelings and the different circumstances around parental separation.


Wise-Up is an eight-session life skills programme for 8-10 year olds, supporting children to recognise feelings and emotions, and to explore new and different ways of dealing with them. Children also learn about themselves, what makes them special as well as building confidence while focusing on personal strengths. Workshops will be offered to support and inform caregivers of the children attending the programme. Wise-Up is a children's life skills group programme to build confidence, cope with worry, build self-esteem, develop social skills, manage emotions and keep themselves safe. Wise-Up runs every term in different schools and community venues around Christchurch.

To enrol your child in ACES or Wise-Up, contact:

Kylie Morel
Groups Coordinator
Ph: 027 288 7842


Community Response Workers in Schools

CMM has worked in over 15 primary and intermediate schools in Christchurch since 2012. We are contracted to schools for one or more days a week and are based in the school for that time. We offer brief and longer-term one to one intervention to support children and their whānau, home visits with whānau, group work, and access to wrap around supports. Click the link below to find out more about how our services could support tamariki and whānau at your school.

View our Schools Work brochure


Mana Ake

CMM is pleased to be part of Mana Ake (Stronger Tomorrow), the Canterbury primary schools’ wellbeing programme. Following the Canterbury earthquakes, a holistic approach to wellbeing and care was called for. By putting kaimahi (wellbeing workers) into schools for one-on-one and group sessions, children can learn to deal with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. Over 7000 tamariki have benefitted from the programme. In response to the success of the scheme, the Government announced in April 2021 that it would extend the service to five other district health boards.